Topics of Interest
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Tax Topics
What gambling winnings and losses are reportable?
Bad news for folks who "flip" properties.
Which one are you?
Unable to understand your IRS notice?
Key Federal filing dates for Individuals are listed here.
If your attic is getting filled up with old records, perhaps this will help.
Do not forget about your Estimated Taxes.
Online retailers to collect state sales tax.
The limits and extensions.
American Opportunity, Hope, Lifetime Learning Credit / Tuition/Fees and Student Loan Interest Deductions
The limits on deducting long-term-care premiums.
Substantiating your contributions.
Begin preparing NOW for your future.
Client Advisor
If it sounds "to good to be true", IT IS.
What should I do with those calls?
Now what do I do?
Are you a U.S. citizen with a Swiss bank account?
Top 5 things you should know.
Smart Finance
SUCCESS = NOT making these mistakes.
According to a general consensus....
Don't be a prime target.
Have you noticed that most major banks are announcing record profits? What can you do to become a smart bank shopper? Here are some tips.
What to do or not to do with your money.